How to Get Rid of Dust Mites, the Cause of Allergies

Dust mites trigger allergies and are found in homes. Without proper cleaning, they can cause health issues.


How to eliminate dust mites in the bedroom: The culprit behind allergies

As you may know, dust mites are one of the triggers of allergies. They are ubiquitous in homes, on beds, pillows, sofas, and carpets. If not properly cleaned, these tiny dust mites can cause health problems for household members, especially allergies. 

Dust mite allergy

Dust mites are microorganisms that feed on shed human dead skin cells and thrive in warm and humid environments. Dust mites are in every home. Humidity is the overriding factor driving the level of dust mites as they can absorb the water vapors. Dust mites cannot live in arid places with low humidity, such as deserts. 

Dust mite allergens do not stay airborne for long but settle down quickly, -- which differs from pet allergens -- clinging to beddings, mattresses, cushioned furniture, carpets, and curtains. Exposure to dust mite allergens usually occurs during sleep. 

Dust mites are not visible to the naked eye. They are not parasitic microorganisms that sting, bite, or burrow into human bodies. Those who are allergic to dust or dust mites develop reactions when inhaling dust mites' proteins from the feces, urine, or decomposed bodies. The allergic reaction can lead to swelling and inflammation in the nasal passages, causing dust or dust mite allergy. 

What are the health effects of dust mite allergy?

Dust mites are the primary trigger of asthma. Prolonged or continuous exposure to dust mites can aggravate the health of asthma patients and those hypersensitive to them. Allergic reactions to dust mites can range from mild to severe.  

In mild allergic reactions, symptoms include a runny nose, tearing, and sneezing. In more severe cases, symptoms can be ongoing and include sneezing, coughing, nasal congestion, and severe asthma attacks. Patients with asthma are at increased risk of developing more severe symptoms. 

Eliminate dust mites to prevent and mitigate allergy

It would be ideal if we could avoid exposure to dust mites altogether. Although it is nearly impossible to get rid of all dust mites in your home, the following steps can help lower the levels of dust mites: 

  1. Put on an allergen-proof bed cover, sheet, pillowcase, or duvet cover, usually made of tightly woven threads. These covers help prevent dust mites from penetrating the clothes fabrics.  
  2. Wash bed sheets and bedding weekly in hot water at least 55 degrees Celsius to remove dust mites and allergens. If the items are not washable in hot water, put them in the dryer for at least 15 minutes at a temperature over 55 degrees Celsius. 
  3. Maintain relative humidity in your home to under 50%. You can do it by turning on a
    dehumidifier or air conditioner. Plus, avoid using bed or furniture covers that attract dust or are hard to wash. 
  4. Wash stuffed toys frequently in hot water and keep them off your bed. 
  5. Clear dust in your home regularly by vacuuming or mopping. Accumulation of dust begets the accumulation of dust mites. 
  6. Keep sundry items, books, or magazines in a bookshelf with a lid or enclosed box to reduce dust accumulation. It is better to keep them outside of your bedroom, if possible.   
  7. Avoid carpeting as it is an ideal habitat for dust mites. If unavoidable, vacuuming the carpet regularly to remove dust mites. 
  8. Turn on an air purifier to trap and reduce dust in the air, making sure to change the air filter regularly. 

If dust mite allergy aggravates or becomes chronic, affecting your daily life, it is advisable to consult an allergist. Additionally, try to eliminate dust mites in your home as much as possible. 

公開済み 11 7 2024



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    Dr Nutthamon Bowornsathitchai

    Dr Nutthamon Bowornsathitchai

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