ประโยชน์ น้ำผลไม้สกัดเย็น ช่วยลดน้ำหนัก - Benefits Juice Cleanses  help lose weight.

Juice Cleanses for Weight Loss: Are They Effective?

Juice Cleanses are healthy drinks rich in vitamins from fruits and vegetables. Weight-loss options improve digestive system efficiency and reduce constipation.


Juice Cleanses for Weight Loss: Are They Effective?

Fruit juices cannot affect weight loss. However, one should use fruits low in calories and sugar for juicing. Currently, fruit juices have become a part of meals and are also considered a healthy beverage option, for instance, to aid in the excrement function or detoxification of the body.

What is Juice Cleanses?

Juice Cleanses are the juices extracted from fruits through cold pressing or other extraction methods to separate the juice from the fruit pulp. This process involves using a hydraulic cold-pressed fruit juicer to expel the fruit juice.

Benefits of a juice cleanse

  • Though rich in vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and fiber, it has less benefit when compared to consuming fresh whole fruit.
  • Dietary fiber helps to boost digestion and alleviate constipation.
  • Rich in antioxidants.
  • Contains natural sugars.
  • Refreshing.

Is juice cleanses as beneficial as eating fresh whole fruit?

Drinking a juice cleanse is not as beneficial as consuming fresh whole fruit. When fruit is juiced, some dietary fibers that aid in digestive function are lost. Additionally, for individuals aiming to lose weight, eating whole fruits can provide a greater sense of satiety than consuming juice cleanses, which helps reduce food cravings.

Do juice cleanses contain sugar?

All types of fruit naturally contain sugar; however, the amount of sugar varies among different fruits. For instance, a glass of orange juice contains approximately 23 grams of sugar, which is relatively high compared to the recommended daily sugar intake. According to the American Heart Association, men should not exceed 36 grams of sugar, while women should aim for no more than 25 grams daily. Therefore, it is important to consider the sugar content of each fruit juice to ensure it does not harm your health.

Juice Cleanses for Weight Loss Banner 2

Fruits for Weight Management

  • Papaya: 13 calories per 100 grams.
  • Watermelon: 33 calories per 100 grams.
  • Rose apple: 42 calories per 100 grams.
  • Orange: 42 calories per 100 grams.
  • Apple: 52 calories per 100 grams.
  • Guava: 60 calories per 100 grams.

Fruits with High Calories

  • Sweet Tamarind: 333 calories per 100 grams
  • Long-stemmed Durian: 187 calories per 100 grams
  • Cavendish Banana: 148 calories per 100 grams
  • Egg Banana: 147 calories per 100 grams
  • Jackfruit: 117 calories per 100 grams

Another approach to diluting the sugar content in the juice cleanses is by incorporating vegetables into the recipe. Include vegetables such as kale, cucumber, ginger, carrots, and mints, which enhance the taste of the juice cleanses while providing additional health benefits.

Eating nutritious food is essential for weight control and promoting overall physical and mental well-being. Furthermore, one's diet must include all five food groups. A healthy lifestyle begins with the intake of beneficial foods. For individuals with pre-existing health conditions, it is advisable to consult a qualified nutritionist or medical professional before embarking on any weight loss program.


公開済み 31 7 2023



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    Dr Wyn Parksook

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    Dr Thitinun Anusornvongchai

    Dr Thitinun Anusornvongchai

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    Dr Patama Chansang Pongsuwan

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    Dr Theerawut Klangjareonchai

    Dr Theerawut Klangjareonchai

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    Dr Nitchakarn Laichuthai

    Dr Nitchakarn Laichuthai

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    Dr  Piyanuch  Piyasatit

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    Dr Vacharaphan Asanumet

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