Assoc.Prof.Dr Bharkbhum Khambhiphant
- Ophthalmology
- Refractive Surgery
- 周二: 16.30-19.00
12A Floor, Counter B (EAST Lift)
- • Cataract Surgery
- • Post LASIK Cataract Surgery
- • Trifocal
- • Trifocal Torics IOLs
- • Monofocal Torics IOLs
- • Contact Lens Fitting
- • Keratoconus
- • Low Vision Rehabilitation and Vision Aids Technology
The Light House International,
Manhattan, New York, USA
Shiley Eye Center,
University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA. USA
Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine,
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
Faculty of Medicine,
Srinakarinthrawirote University, Bangkok
Saint Gabriel's College
Certificate in Low Vision Care
Certificate in Corneal External Diseases and Refractive Surgery Fellow
Board of Ophthalmology
1. Laksanaphuk P, Yarnwit T, Tulvatana W, Tirakhunwicha S, Khambhiphant B, Suntharo P, Pukrushpan P, Pasadhika S. Ophthalmic Ultrasonography in King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. Chula Med J 20005 Aug;49(8):459-465.
2.Khambhiphant B, Tulvatana W, Busayarat M. The new numbers contrast sensitivity chart for contrast sensitivity measurement. J Optom.2011; 04 :128-33.
3.Khambhiphant B, Bureethan H, Saehout P. Efficacy of temporary lower punctal occlusion in enhancing pupil dilation after 1% tropicamide instillation. Asian Biomedicine 2012 Apr;6(2):1-4.
4. Khambhiphant B, Srisuwanwattana W. A one-year review of amblyopia treatment for literate patients at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. J Med Assoc Thai. 2012 Oct;95(10):1302-5.
5.Khambhiphant B, Chansangpetch S, Tulvatana W, Busayarat M.Repeatability assessment of the New Numbers Contrast Sensitivity Chart. Asian Biomedicine Vol. 8 No. 3 June 2014; 361 - 369.
6. Khambhiphant B, Varadisai A, Visalvate N. Intrapersonal comparison of initial axial length, keratometric readings, and intraocular lens power over a 6-month interval using an IOLMaster device. Clin Ophthalmol. 2014 Dec 22;9:21-4. doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S75075. eCollection 2015.
7. Khambhiphant B, Liumsirijarern C, Saehout P.The effect of Nd:YAG laser treatment of posterior capsule opacification on anterior chamber depth and refraction in pseudophakic eyes. Clin Ophthalmol. 2015 Mar 25;9:557-61. doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S80220. eCollection 2015.
8. Khambhiphant B, Chatbunchachai N, Pongpirul K. The effect of pupillary dilatation on IOL power measurement by using the IOLMaster.Int Ophthalmol. 2015 Mar 26. [Epub ahead of print]
9. Khambhiphant B, Sasiwilasagorn S, Chatbunchachai N, Pongpirul K. Effect of pupillary dilation on Haigis formula-calculated intraocular lens power measurement by using optical biometry. Clin Ophthalmol. 2016 Jul 27;10:1405-10. doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S109797.