ข้อแตกต่างของการผ่าคลอดและการคลอดตามธรรมชาติ (The Differences Between a C-Section and a Normal Delivery)

The Differences Between a C-Section and a Normal Delivery

A C-Section and vaginal delivery have their benefits and disadvantages. Which method is suitable for you depends on your medical and previous childbirth history and your baby’s health.


The Differences Between a C-Section and a Normal Delivery

A C-Section and vaginal delivery have their benefits and disadvantages. Which method is suitable for you depends on your medical and previous childbirth history and your baby’s health.

Normal Delivery

Delivering a baby through the vagina is a natural delivery method. This natural childbirth allows both mother and baby sufficient time to be physically adjusted and mentally prepared for the childbirth journey.


  • Squeeze out amniotic fluid sequestered in the baby’s lungs.
  • The baby acquires immune-boosting bacteria while passing through the vagina.
  • It is non-surgical, eliminating the risk of surgical complications, such as infections, internal bleeding, and scar formation.
  • The hospital stay is shorter. Without complications, mothers can usually return home within two days.


  • The prescheduled time for delivery is not feasible because the onset of natural childbirth depends on the baby’s readiness. Mothers may feel anxious about the unpredictable start of labor.
  • There are risks of urinary incontinence and sexual intercourse problems after childbirth due to harsh delivery or deep perineal tear.
  • The baby risks birth trauma due to shoulder dystocia or assisted labor.

C-section or Caesarean birth

It is advisable for mothers in the following cases.

  • Mothers with a previous C-section or vaginal delivery complications
  • Preexisting medical conditions, e.g., hypertension, diabetes, herpes, or HIV. Cesarean birth may be a safer method.
  • High-risk pregnancies, from multiple pregnancies, placenta previa, to a large head circumference or breech presentation
  • Mother needing an emergency delivery due to prolonged labor, birth asphyxia, or low-volume amniotic fluid.


  • The childbirth can be pre-planned, so you have less stress and anxiety and are more mentally prepared.
  • You have a reduced risk of urinary incontinence and sexual problems after childbirth.


  • The hospital stay and recovery are longer.
  • The baby may not be ready for childbirth, i.e., difficulty breathing due to retained fetal lung fluid.
  • There is a risk of complications such as excessive blood loss, blood clots, and infections.

It is essential to know that child delivery may not go as planned. Some who want to have natural childbirth may end up with a C-section due to a medical necessity. No matter what delivery method you have, the most important goal is that both mother and child are safe and sound.

Article by
Dr Sornpin Armarttasn

Maternal & Fetal Medicine
Doctor profile

Published: 07 Feb 2023
