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The World Congress of Nephrology 2023

MedPark Hospital welcomes hundreds of Nephrologists globally during an annual seminar “The World Congress of Nephrology 2023”


MedPark Hospital welcomes hundreds of Nephrologists
globally during an annual seminar
“The World Congress of Nephrology 2023”

240 nephrologists and experts gather for pre-congress courses at MedPark  Hospital, which is part of an annual seminar  “The World Congress of Nephrology 2023”. This pre-congress courses provide an opportunity for nephrologists, researchers, and industry experts to come together and discuss the latest science, new interventions techniques, and state-of-the-art technologies in Nephrology, as well as panel discussions and networking opportunities.

The Pre-congress courses consist of a discussion session where key decision-makers and stakeholders present problems and burdens of kidney care and disease in different regions, as well as in-depth three interventional courses with live demonstrations. The topics cover Catheters and Kidney intervention by Assist. Prof. Dr Sukit Raksasuk, an expert nephrologist and a professor at Mahidol University, Endovascular Intervention for AV Access by Prof. Dr Tushar Vachharajani from Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine and Dr Chieh Suai Tan from Singapore General Hospital and Point of Case Ultrasound (POCUS) by Prof. Jadranka Buturovic Ponikvar of University Medical Centre Ljubljana and Prof. Dr  Vandana Dua Niyyar from Emory University, USA.

On this occasion, MedPark’s management team, led by Dr Pongpat Patanavanich, Managing Director, met with Professor Dr Anil Agarwal, Past President of the American Society of Diagnostic and Intervention Nephrology, and also served as an ambassador for the International Society of Nephrology who is a keynote speaker of this course to share MedPark’s concept and strategy of becoming a tertiary hospital with a specialty in high acuity and complex diseases.  

“We are honored to be part of this seminar and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among nephrologists” said Dr Pongpat “ I believe that by bringing together experts in the field, we can accelerate progress in kidney health treatment.”

This aligns with MedPark’s mission as the hospital aims to go beyond a stereotypical hospital and become a private-sector academic medical institution with the focus on three pillars; research, education and medical services. The goal is to continuously improve knowledge of medical staff, leading to better quality of care for their patients.

Published: 31 Mar 2023
